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magis, International Journal of Education Research
ISSN: 2027-1182 (Online) | ISSN: 2027-1174 (Print)
Pontificia Universidad Javeriana
Scopus | Emerging Sources Citation Index | Redalyc | EBSCO | ProQuest
The journal takes as an essential part the promotion of the good practices of educational investigation in the country and in the region, by means of the presentation and analysis of epistemologies, perspectives and methodological designs, reflections theoretical and results of excellent investigations in the education. It focuses its different declarations in the good teaching, didactic practices and of educational management, so much the way in which these practices are a declaration of integral formation of those who carry out them, they face them and study them, as the disposition of the pupil to achieve its integral formation and its meeting with himself itself propitiated by the accompaniment of the teacher across the dialogue.
magis, International Journal of Research in Education, besides being a space for discussion on the prospects of research in education and a way to disseminate results and research approaches, is conceived as an academic space of mediation in the qualification of the research capital of the region.
magis is a journal of continuous periodicity.
The journal follows a diamond open access policy and does not charge for accessing, publishing or processing articles.
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The call for papers for the first semester of 2024 will be open from February 1, 2024 to March 31, 2024. The application process is being carried out by e-mail ( To this e-mail address must be sent: the completely anonymous article, using the template of adaptation to the format of the journal, and the additional formats (data format and the letter of certification of unpublished manuscript signed by all the authors of the article). For further information on the format and process, please refer to the journal's Guidelines for Authors.
Dossiers are an additional section within the regular publication, which specialize in specific topics of current interest in the field of education. These have particular characteristics and submission times. We invite you to consult the calls for papers currently open at magis, about which you can find more information by clicking on each one:
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La revista magis, Revista Internacional de Investigación en Educación by Pontificia Universidad Javeriana se encuentra registrada bajo la licencia Creative Commons Reconocimiento 4.0 Internacional. Por lo tanto, esta obra se puede reproducir, distribuir y comunicar públicamente en formato digital, siempre que se reconozca el nombre de los autores y a la Pontificia Universidad Javeriana. Se permite citar, adaptar, transformar, autoarchivar, republicar y crear a partir del material, para cualquier finalidad (incluso comercial), siempre que se reconozca adecuadamente la autoría, se proporcione un enlace a la obra original y se indique si se han realizado cambios. La Pontificia Universidad Javeriana no retiene los derechos sobre las obras publicadas y los contenidos son responsabilidad exclusiva de los autores, quienes conservan sus derechos morales, intelectuales, de privacidad y publicidad.
El aval sobre la intervención de la obra (revisión, corrección de estilo, traducción, diagramación) y su posterior divulgación se otorga mediante una licencia de uso y no a través de una cesión de derechos, lo que representa que la revista y la Pontificia Universidad Javeriana se eximen de cualquier responsabilidad que se pueda derivar de una mala práctica ética por parte de los autores. En consecuencia de la protección brindada por la licencia de uso, la revista no se encuentra en la obligación de publicar retractaciones o modificar la información ya publicada, a no ser que la errata surja del proceso de gestión editorial. La publicación de contenidos en esta revista no representa regalías para los contribuyentes.