This document is the product of a brainstorming exercise conducted on the subject of the ethical dimension of the law, and whose main objective is to relate the rules or laws are values oriented towards the greatness of man as a person, sentient intelligence and healthy collective relationship between hu- mans and their environment. Refer to the ethical dimension of law is nothing to indicate the ability or moral content they contain and the scope or extent that suchcover.
Reflection outlined here the word refers to ethics as the anthology of legal order and theguarantee of its permanence in the radical purity of all values, because if a legal structure lacksethical dimension then, does not meet its primary value, read and justice. Thus, we concludethat the main way legal and moral standards to preserve its primary function should be structured using the tool that is ethics.
ética, ética jurídica, moral, norma y leyEthics, Legal, Moral Ethics, Norm and Law