La Revista Papel Político de la Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Relaciones Internacionales de la Pontificia Universidad Javeriana de Bogotá es una publicación periódica semestral, que difunde la producción intelectual de la comunidad académica internacional y nacional en el ámbito de la Ciencia Política y las Relaciones Internacionales. Desde el año 2002, la revista ha mantenido abierta su convocatoria para la recepción de artículos, que son sometidos a un proceso de evaluación por dobles pares académicos como requisito previo para ser publicados y divulgados.


ISSN: 2145-0617 (En línea) | ISSN: 0122-4409 (Impreso)

Call for Papers / Papel Político Journal Volume 26 N ° 2 July-December 2021

The politics of migratory “transit” in Latin America

This new issue of the journal Papel Político seeks to build a critical and interdisciplinary dialogue about the “transit” of migrants in Latin America. Addressing migrants’ experiences, public policies and/or conceptual developments in this region of the global south, the issue aims to foster and strengthen a debate barely addressed in International Relations (IR): the politics of the so-called “migratory transit". Although cases of migrants "en route", "stranded " or "confined" to border cities for months and even years are increasingly visible, International Relations studies have not explained the complex power (or political) relationships that underlie the space-time of the so-called “transit”. Analyses on migration have recently increased in IR (e.g., securitization, border control, externalization of borders and remote power, border’s political economy, among others). However, state-centrism and sedentarism are two foundational onto-epistemological features at the core of the IR discipline, which have made it difficult to understand “transit” beyond the idea of a sort of “no place” between the states of origin and destination. The purpose of this issue, therefore, is to analyze the political density of migratory “transit” by addressing a variety of topics i) The theoretical-conceptual development of "transit" as a political place; ii) The constitution of the agency of migrants in transit (resistance and re-politicization; the political ontology of being in motion); iii) The geographies of mobility-immobility (specific locations: cities, neighborhoods, border posts, detention centers, shelters, among others); iv) The driving forces (human and non-human) that constitute the migrants’ practices of mobility-immobility during “transit”. The issue therefore calls upon potential authors from different fields of knowledge (e.g., Geography, Anthropology, Sociology, Law, Philosophy, International Relations, Feminist Studies, Science and Technology Studies) to reflect in depth on these topics through articles focused on theoretical reflections as well as case-studies in Latin America. Articles that engage in an explicit dialogue with IR are particularly welcome. Articles must be sent by February 15, 2021 and uploaded to the journal's OJS site: There you can also consult the norms for authors: Guest editor: Ángela Iranzo Dosdad, PhD: Professor-Researcher of International Relations. E-mail: