Published May 15, 2010

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Felipe Forero Mantilla



Acknowledgment of Indigenous and Tribal Rights on the American continent
recently has been significant. With a long way to go, recognition of
their rights, its particular way to understand the society, its connection with
earth and identity conception, achieve an exceptional worth. The trend of
International Judicial Bodies on Human Rights, particularly Inter-American
Court of Human Rights, comes from an anthropological view of the matter.
Vision emphasizes the analysis of property right around identity, diversity
and cultural integrity concepts. Likewise, it reveals the importance of the
acknowledgement of collective subject in order to guarantee and respect the
effective observance of Indigenous and Tribal Peoples rights in the hemisphere.
The document aims to identify the scope of substantial rights recognition of
traditional lands property right and criteria of redress in the Inter-American
Court of Human Rights Jurisprudence.


Derecho a la propiedad, identidad cultural, Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos, Propiedad indígena, propiedad tribal, consulta previa, territorios y recursos naturales, salvaguardas, reparaciónRight to the Property, Cultural Identity, Inter-American Court of Human Rights, Indigenous Property Rights, Tribal Property Rights, Consent and Consultation, Land and Natural Resources, Safeguards, Redress for Indigenous Peoples

How to Cite
Forero Mantilla, F. (2010). INDIGENOUS CONECTIVITY: ABORIGINAL AND TRIBAL PROPERTY RIGHT SCOPE IN THE INTER-AMERICAN COURT OF HUMAN RIGHTS. International Law: Revista Colombiana De Derecho Internacional, 8(16). Retrieved from