Published May 15, 2010

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Juana Inés Acosta López

María Carmelina Londoño Lázaro



This paper addresses the important role of the domestic justice in the protection
of the right to access to international justice, and in our case the
Inter-American justice. Within this purpose, the text explains the existence
of a right to an effective international remedy in the Inter-American Human
Rights System, and describes some of its peculiarities. Also, it shows the
importance of national justice in the effectiveness of the international remedy
and addresses certain issues with regard to the implementation of international
judgments in the domestic sphere, considering that international rulings are
binding and have the same nature of national judicial decisions. Finally, the
paper deals with some reflections on possible internal remedies to comply
with international rulings in Colombia.


Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos, Sistema Interamericano de Derechos Humanos, derecho internacional, Sentencias internacionales, Recurso judicial efectivoInter-American Court of Human Rights, Inter-American Human Rights System, International law, International Judicial Decisions, Effective remedies

How to Cite
Acosta López, J. I., & Londoño Lázaro, M. C. (2010). THE ROLE OF DOMESTIC JUSTICE IN THE GUARANTEE OF THE RIGHT TO AN EFFECTIVE INTERNATIONAL REMEDY. International Law: Revista Colombiana De Derecho Internacional, 8(16). Retrieved from

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