Published Jul 22, 2020


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Liset Pérez Bolaños, lisetpb



Introduction: The culture of patient safety is considered a priority in healthcare settings to reduce the incidence of adverse events in operating rooms, where their occurrence is not reported, thus leading to risks. Objective: To describe the culture of patient safety from the perception of operating room nursing professionals. Method: Cross-sectional descriptive study that collected the results of the anonymous patient safety culture survey prepared by the Agency for Health Research and Quality, adapted to Spanish in the post-congress course on Electrosurgery for Instrumentalists. The survey was conducted on a sample of 67 professional nurses who work at 10 operating rooms located in Havana (Cuba) to evaluate their perception. Positive and negative responses to the 50 items were analyzed, including an overall safety rating. Survey information was coded, collected, and processed in a database compiled in the Excel statistical processor, which was then converted for analysis to SPSS version 21.0 for Windows. Result: Of the 67 surveys analyzed, 100% of the respondents rated the overall degree of safety as positive. The dimensions organizational learning, management support, and teamwork between units were highlighted as strengths. The rest of the dimensions (except for the non-punitive response dimension, which was classified as a weakness) were classified as opportunities for improvement. Conclusions: The culture of patient safety must progress from guilt to learning.


segurança do paciente; quirófano; percepção; gestão de segurançapatient safety; operating room; perception; safety managementseguridad del paciente, quirófano, percepción, gestión de la seguridad

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How to Cite
Bolaños, L. P. (2020). Nursing perception. A current look at the safety culture in the operating room. Investigación En Enfermería Imagen Y Desarrollo, 22.
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