- 1. Editorial policy
The publication of Insurance Law original research papers from the scholar or technical and economic perspective and that make a significant contribution to the scientific community is fundamental for Revista Ibero-Latinoamericana de Seguros —RIS—. As organ of divulgation of the International Insurance Law Association (AIDA), the Iberian-Latin American Committee (CILA) and the Insurance Companies Inter-American Federation (FIDES), it has as purpose to publish each on the pertinent and current documents such as memories or event summaries, legislative news and jurisprudence.
- 2. Registration
The journal Ibero-Latinoamericana de Seguros is registered under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License. Thus, this work may be reproduced, distributed, and publicly shared in digital format, as long as the names of the authors and Pontificia Universidad Javeriana are acknowledged. Others are allowed to quote, adapt, transform, auto-archive, republish, and create based on this material, for any purpose (even commercial ones), provided the authorship is duly acknowledged, a link to the original work is
provided, and it is specified if changes have been made. Pontificia Universidad Javeriana does not hold the rights of published works and the authors are solely responsible for the contents of their works; they keep the moral, intellectual, privacy, and publicity rights.
Approving the intervention of the work (review, copy-editing, translation, layout) and the following outreach, are granted through an use license and not through an assignment of rights. This means the journal and Pontificia Universidad Javeriana cannot be held responsible for any ethical malpractice by the authors. As a consequence of the protection granted by the use license, the journal is not required to publish recantations or modify information already published, unless the errata stems from the editorial management process. Publishing contents in this journal does not generate royalties for contributors.
- 3. Submission
3.1 Submission of articles for publication shall proceed as follows
Articles shall be sent to the journal Editor by e-mail to the address As it is a publication subject to evaluation by academic
peers, the Editorial Committee will prefer articles of research, reflection or review and that may be included in the doctrine or technical and economic section of the journal. Additionally, articles relevant to insurance law dealing with jurisprudential, legislative or informative issues that are part of the other three main sections of the journal will be included too.
Once the manuscript has been received, the evaluation stage begins and within eight (8) working days receipt will be duly acknowledged.
Charts, pictures or tables shall be attached as well as Power Point slides, Excel or any other type of software. Along with the text or article, the résumés of four potential academic peers shall be attached. Editors will decide whether to send or not the manuscript to those peers.
- 4. Style and structure of the manuscript
4.1 Article style
• Extension: Articles shall not exceed 25 pages (5,000 words) and they shall be double-spaced, Times New Roman font (12).
• Abstract: Written both in Spanish and in English, short and summing up contents of the article in an analytical or descriptive format indicating purpose and object of analysis, theoretical perspective, methodology, main findings, conclusions and future research proposals. It shall no have more than 250 words.
• Key words: Written in Spanish or English presented after the abstract. They shall be between 4 and 6 words, alphabetically presented and that throughout the text are relevant to the extent they give a framework as to the main topic of the manuscript. It is suggested that they be presented following the UNESCO standards, that is, internationally standardized words.
• Headings and numbers. Subtitles shall be presented in bold italics and they shall be numbered in Arabic system. A dash shall be used when listing.
4.2 Information about authors and origin of manuscript or article
• Authors. Complete name (first name and last name), most recent and maximum academic degree obtained, studies, institutional association (entity and post) and institutional and personal e-mail.
• Nature of the manuscript. Its origin shall be specified and whether it is the result of research, review, reflection, degree dissertation, case analysis, essay, situation analysis, technical or doctrine studies. Should it be the product of the first three, author shall attach information on about the title of the project carried out with financing entities, date of performance and registration code if any.
4.3 Drawings and charts
• Each and everyone of the drawings and charts shall be sent in original versions and files and be presented immediately after the reference text in addition to be mentioned in the article in a consecutive form by using Arabic numbers.
• The title mentions whatever is shown in the drawing or chart and whether is referenced with the source; if they are elaborated ones, the author or methodology as well as their date shall be mentioned.
• Adequately define symbols and acronyms used.
4.4 Citation and references
• Citation. Revista Ibero-Latinoamericana de Seguros –RIS— is based on rules used by journals specialized in insurance law worldwide and it is based on ISO and Blue Book rules. Citation shall be made within the text and it shall include the bibliography in alphabetical order using the last names.
• References. They are included within the text by using the parenthetic system. For greater understanding, examples of citation and references are mentioned below:
Authors references. All citations shall include:
One author: Author’s name and year of publication of article and page;
Two authors: Name of the two authors and year of publication;
Three or more authors: In case that there is more than one reference to the same author, when citing it is recommended to number each citation with the letters “a”, “b”, “c”, etc., indicating the year of publication of each one of them.
• Bibliographical references citation:
JOURNALS ARTICLES. Last name, Name (year). Title. Name of the journal, volume or issue, pages cited.
Cummins. J.D., Doherty, (2002), Can insurers pay for the “Big One”? Journal of Banking and Finance, 26, 557-583.
BOOKS: Last name, Name initial (year), title, publishing house.
Maddala, G.S., (1983), Limited Dependent and Qualitative Variables in Econometrics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
BOOK CHAPTERS: Cited author last name, name initial (year), chapter title. In: Last name of book author, Name initial, book title, volume or issue. City: Publishing house, pages cited.
Borch, K., (1968), General equilibrium in the economics of uncertainty, in K Borch and J. Mossin (eds.) Risk and Uncertainty, London: Macmillan, pp. 247-258.
PRESENTATIONS AND COMMUNIQUÉS: Last name, Name (year), Title of presentation of communiqué.
In: name, Last Name (ed.), title (pages cited), City, Publishing House.
Rocha, A., (1999), Innovación empresarial: un nuevo enfoque de desarrollo, en A. Balbuena (ed.), Memorias del IV Simposio de Integración Financiera (pp. 50-75). Bogotá: Panamericana.
LECTURES AND CONFERENCES: Last name, name (year, month). Title. Document presented at…city, country
Garzón, J.C., (2000), March. Más allá de las decisiones económicas. Documento presentado en la II Jornada de Análisis Económico. La Habana, Cuba.
ELECTRONIC DOCUMENTS: Last name, name (year). Title. Visited on day, month, year, eaddress.
Departamento Nacional de Planeación (2003). Cifras de violencia 1996-2000. Visited last July 24, 2005 at
CODES: Code (year), Publishing House.
JURISPRUDENCE (Articles within Colombia): Issuing organ, section, date, file and judge.
Corte Suprema de Justicia, Sala Civil, enero 15 de 2009, RAD: 23587, MP Nilson Pinilla.