Published dic 11, 2018


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Dora Inés Calderón

Harold Castañeda-Peña

Mirian Glidis Borja Orozco

Sandra Patricia Quitián Bernal

Adriana Yamile Suárez Reina



Aiming at contributing to the development of didactics in the scientific field of education, this article proposes instruments to assess didactic learning environments (DLE) used in language-and-communication (L&C) teacher education within a diversity framework. A theoretical model on learning is presented for which validation instruments are proposed as a result of an architecture guided by applied principles of design theory and mutual intelligibility as a communities of practice principle to educate L&C teachers. The result is a battery of three instruments of qualitative and quantitative nature whose function is to assess the DLE in two moments: the planned design and the design put into practice.


language didactics, teacher formation, learning environments, validationdidáctica del lenguaje, formación de profesores, ambiente de aprendizaje, validacióndidática da linguagem, formação de professores, ambiente de aprendizado, validação

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How to Cite
Calderón, D. I., Castañeda-Peña, H., Borja Orozco, M. G., Quitián Bernal, S. P., & Suárez Reina, A. Y. (2018). Instruments to Validate Didactic Learning Environments (DLE) Intended to Educate Language and Communication Teachers on Diversity: A Tool for Language Didactics. Signo Y Pensamiento, 37(72).

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