Published ago 18, 2018


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Peter Johan Lor

Jhonny Antonio Pabón Cadavid, (traductor)



This article reflects on the connection between libraries and peace. Libraries depend on the peace in order to exist, develop and survive. In turn, libraries contribute to build and preserve the peace. The first part of this paper analyses the emergence of internationalist and pacifist movements during the 19th century and its relation to the modern advent of both the documentation science and the library science. Next, this paper discusses the role of the libraries in the consolidation of the peace as conceived of by the UNESCO and inquires into the different contemporary conceptions around the concept of peace. Finally, the role of the libraries in the construction of the peace is explored.


libraries and society, pacifism, internationalism, construction of peaceBibliotecas y Sociedad, Pacifismo, Internacionalismo, Construcción de la PazBibliotecas e Sociedade, Pacifismo, Internacionalismo, Construção da Paz

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How to Cite
Lor, P. J., & Pabón Cadavid, J. A. (2018). Libraries, Internationalism and Peace: (Traducción). Signo Y Pensamiento, 37(72).