Published abr 17, 2018

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Dineyis Esther Arias Mendoza

Jesús Antonio Arroyave Cabrera



The purpose of this research is to analyze the media representation of women in the radio music offer of the two radio stations with the largest audience in Santa Marta, a city located in the Colombian Caribbean region. The methodology used was the content analysis on a sample of 120 songs. The findings show that a significant percentage of the songs promote sexualization and female objectification, violence against women, and misogyny. Additionally, it was possible to establish that there is a scarce participation of women as composers and interpreters of songs.


content analysis, gender, sexualization, misogyny, media representationAnálise de Conteúdo, Género, Sexualização, Misoginia, Representação Mediáticaanálisis de contenido, género, sexualización, misoginia, representación mediática

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How to Cite
Arias Mendoza, D. E., & Arroyave Cabrera, J. A. (2018). Media Representation of Women in the Radio Music Offer in Santa Marta (Colombia). Signo Y Pensamiento, 36(71), 170–185. Retrieved from