Published Mar 30, 2009

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María Ximena Dueñas-Reyes



Information is a key element of organizational processes. In recent years, the technology has had an accelerated growth, in line with the increase of what are regarded as useful and necessary tools to facilitate and expedite those processes giving an added value to productivity. Business intelligence has been defined as the transforming of data into knowledge, providing decision-making support at the strategic and tactical level where and when appropriate, providing a competitive advantage and increasing the effectiveness. One of the tools that has become useful for the exploration of data is On-line Analytical Processing (OLAP), which allows to obtain outstanding data among quantities of information, but it is faulty for the analysis of geographical data, for which SOLAP has arisen, which offers methods of special treatment for space data. Data mining has been adapted within companies, with the purpose of carrying out exploration and analysis of data focused on the discovery of knowledge. Because of the important place that space information is occupying nowadays, the spatial data mining has arisen. This process allows us to discover useful and unexpected patterns inside the data. The techniques of spatial data mining are applied to extract knowledge, starting from large volumes of data, which can be of space and non-space types. Among them are generalization, grouping, and space association.


Data mining, business intelligence, OLAP technologyMinería de datos, inteligencia de negocio, tecnología OLAP

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How to Cite
Dueñas-Reyes, M. X. (2009). Searching for true information with spatial data mining. Ingenieria Y Universidad, 13(1). Retrieved from